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Archeryfest VR | Itch.io | 2024
Archeryfest VR

Shoot the Targets Archery Game
This project focuses on utilizing Unity's PhysX Engine and applying various uses of physics within a fun VR environment paired with the XR Interaction Toolkit built on a Meta Quest 3
VR Physics Focus:​
Applying Forces
Add Force
Add Explosive Force​
Detecting Collision​​
Arrows detect what they have collided with to determine how the physics will be applied

Select features were used to bring this Archerfest VR game to life including:
XR Origin
XR Grab Interactables
XR Direct Interactables
XR Ray Interaction
Unity Input System
Singleton Pattern
VR Accessibility
The pause menu gives the user access to change from Snap Turn to Smooth Turn for user comfort​
The pause menu brings the player to a separate plane with a fade in/out smooth transition to prevent player discomfort
NPC Interactions
Triggers that initiate animated NPC Voiceovers for player engagement​
Bot Breakout!

Endless Wave First-Person Shooter

​Object Pooling:
Optimized performance by implementing Object Pooling, which includes the following components:
Pool Management​​
Reusing objects such as Enemy Spawns, Power-ups, and Particle Effects
Managing object lifecycles
Spawn and Despawn Logic
Casting Rays
Collision Detection
Layer Masks
This project, developed in Unity, focuses on optimizing performance by utilizing Finite State Machines (FSM) to create functional AI States. Additionally, it employs Object Pooling in conjunction with Raycasts to further enhance performance.
Finite State Machine (FSM):
Developed AI behavior using Finite State Machines, incorporating the following components:
AI NavMesh
Idle and Active AI States
State Entry and Exit

Additional Features:​
Cinemachine: Integrated Virtual Cameras to produce immersive cinematics paired with gameplay instructions.
Scene Skip: Implemented a feature enabling players to skip cutscenes and engage in gameplay at their discretion.
UI Elements: Players navigate menus like the Title Screen and Pause Menu, using UI Sliders for features such as the health bar, alongside TMP_Text for text
Player Score Tracking: Monitors the Player's score and enemy defeats, displaying the total at the end of the game.

VR Escape Room

Virtual Reality Puzzle Game
This Virtual Reality Escape Room takes place in a boiler room and was created using Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit package which is a high-level, component-based, interaction system for creating VR and AR experiences. This project was created using the Meta Quest 2 as its basis.
XR Origin:
Recreated the XR Origin components utilizing the features within the XR Interaction Toolkit which includes:
Locomotion System
XR Controller
Ray Interactor
Teleport Interactor
Direct Interactor
Gaze Interactor

Select features were used to bring this VR Escape Room to life including:
XR Grab Interactables
XR Direct Interactables
World Space and Screen Space User Interface Interactables
Hinge Joints and Fixed Joints for various door and shelf interactions
XR Gaze Interactables that activate while the Player is looking at the clues
Guns And Ships AR

Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction.
Double click to edit and add your own text.
This Augmented Reality (AR) application demonstrates Unity's AR capabilities in a user-friendly environment. It features two scenes: one for placing and interacting with sci-fi weapons on a tabletop, and another for positioning and customizing life-size spaceships in a larger environment. A lively hostess adds engagement with spontaneous and sassy remarks.
- Global Features:​
Full UI navigation between the title screen and scenes in the application.
An animated hostess acts as a salesperson for the in-game content that includes audio introductions and occasional phrases to encourage the user during their experience.
UI color filter to change the color of the spaceships.
Multiple types of visual effects (VFX) to notify the user that they have selected a weapon or spaceship.
AR Annotations that display descriptions of what the user is gazing at.
Weapons display type of weapon.​
Spaceships display descriptions about each individual part of the spaceship.
UI graphic design was done by myself using Adobe programs Illustrator and Photoshop with assistance from mentioned attributions.
URL link to view attributions to the game

Game Features:
- Guns:
Use UI buttons to change the Selection Mode from Pick & Place to Examination Mode.
Pick & Place: Allows the user to place sci-fi weapons into the scene on a tabletop. The user can scale, rotate, and move the weapon to their desired location in the environment.​
Examination Mode: Allows the user to virtually pick up a sci-fi weapon and examine the object by rotating, and flipping the object near the screen of the user's mobile device.
- Ships:
Use custom-made UI buttons to select which life-size spacecraft you would like to view.
UI color filter to change the color of the spaceships.
The spaceships are enhanced with animations and sound effects, such as fog and idle engine sounds, to create a more immersive and realistic environment.
World Adventure

World Adventure is a mobile game app designed to utilize Unity's User Interface elements through the canvas. The app consists of three games and is made for children. The three games take place in the ocean, the jungle, and in outer space in child-friendly environments.
Global Features:
- Player name Onboarding input to carry the username throughout the game to award them with a score to be displayed on a scoreboard.
- Use of unique UI Sliders to act as a timer in each game to give a more child-friendly visual on the time limit. The time limit relates to the score of each game.
- Interactable menu featuring:​
Return to Title Screen
Game Select
Settings to adjust volume and overall brightness
Scoreboard to display the top score and current score.
URL link to view attributions to the game

Game Features:
- Space Adventure:
Use UI buttons to rotate and align pipes to fix the spaceship's hyperdrive to help the family move to the moon.
Consists of three rounds that become increasingly difficult as it progresses.
- Jungle Adventure:
The monkeys in the jungle want to be astronauts someday and they want to practice their math skills to achieve their goal.
Use UI Draggables to place the correct answer into the equation box.
- Ocean Adventure:
A simple matching game to match "sea critter" UI Images.
The outer shells as well as the "sea critters" hiding within them are randomized to ensure child memory progression.
Space Espionage


- Cinematic Cutscenes:
Intro and outro cutscenes were made using Cinemachine.
Adapting Virtual Cameras using the Aiming and Body features works in unison with script integration.
Animation Tracks, Activation Tracks, and Directors among other tools and functions in Timeline were used in synchronicity with Cinemachine to provide unified scenes.
Space Espionage is a 2.5D Platformer game made in Unity. An agent is dropped off at an interstellar satellite to retrieve valuable information.​
- Implementations:
Character Controller programmed from scratch.
Collectibles must be gathered by the Player to access terminals to initiate functions like elevators and passage from NPC characters.
Implemented animations to correspond with all of the Player functions from jumping, ledge grabbing, and ladder climbing.
Sound effects immerse the Player into the virtual environment by adding audio feedback to footsteps, collectibles, and engines, as well as my own voice as the commander issuing the orders over the radio.
Prototyping and modular implementations allow seamless integrations to additional functions throughout the game.

Beautiful Games Using HDRP

Unity's High Definition Rendering Pipeline (HDRP) is a post-processing tool designed to provide games with a high-definition visual quality, allowing them to attain the stunning aesthetic seen in titles for the PS5 and Xbox Series X.
Some of the features used within these projects include:
Screen Space Reflections
URP & HDRP Lit Shaders
Baked, Mixed and Realtime Lighting
Volumetric Lights
Reflection Probes
Light Probes
Procedural Skybox
Occlusion Culling
Fog Particle Effect
Point, Spot, & Area Lights
Post-Processing Effects:
​Gradient Sky
Visual Environment
Ambient Occlusion
Shadows, Midtones & Highlights
Screen Space Reflection, and
Color Adjustments.
HDRP is too advanced for WebGL playback, but you're welcome to watch brief videos of each area if you'd prefer. Please click a link to view designs on YouTube.
Galaxy Shooter

"Galaxy Shooter" is a 2D top-down shooter video game I created as a solo project using the Unity Game Engine. This game, while simple, aims for elegance by implementing various dynamic functions through concise coding. The goal was to deliver an enjoyable gaming experience, and it is designed for webGL deployment.
This project includes:
Player movement.
Various weapons (with cooldown systems) for the Player, Enemies, and Boss.
Different enemies and a boss, each with unique traits.
Collectible power-ups like Ammo, speed boosts, and more.
Rechargeable thruster boost for quick escapes (hold 'L-Shift').
Balanced spawn manager with random spawn points.
User Interface (UI) with game instructions, stats, and buttons.
Retro audio effects for various game events.

Unity Input System

The purpose of this project is to illustrate the process of transitioning code from the project's Legacy Code to the New Input System within an existing project.
Some of the features updated include:
Organizing the Player, Drone, and Forklift Actions into separate Action Maps and Actions, using the common keyboard controls W, A, S, D, R, T and Spacebar. These controls will deliver different functions based on the active Action Map.​​
Interactable events have been simplified to a single "Enter" key interaction, with an additional code feature that displays the input as a string. This ensures that any future changes to the input will be reflected in the user interface.
The destructible crate event has been modified to respond differently to player interactions. When players interact with it, the outcome depends on whether they 'Tap' or 'Hold' the interaction. Tapping will destroy one piece, while holding will destroy multiple pieces.
The project now supports Keyboard and Gamepad Controller inputs.
Unity's High Definition Rendering Pipeline (HDRP) is a post-processing tool designed to provide games with a high-definition visual quality, allowing them to attain the stunning aesthetic seen in titles for the PS5 and Xbox Series X.
Some of the features created and used within this project include:
Cinemachine Virtual Cameras – Blend List, Point of View (POV) & 3rd Person Orbital Transposer cameras.
Timeline Tracks include – Audio, Animation, Activation & Cinemachine.
Scrolling Text Dialogue.
Fading in/out of cutscenes using Animator & Timeline.
Skybox - 6-sided Cubemap.
Post Processing effects.
Short gameplay session controlling the main characters spaceship with the W, A, S, and D keys.
Accelerate and decelerate the spaceship feature by holding down the "R and T" keys.
Royalty-free music & and UI components.
